UofAapts.com (520) 850-9920 UofAapartments@hotmail.com 822 E Lee St, Tucson, AZ 85719
Euclid/Lee Apartments aka U of A Apartments
Resident Application
To be completed by each Adult Resident
Full Name: S.S.#: Date of Birth:
Email: Phone #: Driver's License:
Do You Have a Child Who Will Be Living With You? ______ Age: _____ (Occupancy Limit: 2 person/1 bedrm, 1 person/Studio)
How did you hear about this complex?
Current Address:
Current Landlord's Name: Phone Number:
May I Call for a Reference? ____ Yes _____ No Current Rent Amount:
How Long There? _________ Prior Address (if less than 3 years):
Why are You Moving?
Have you ever been evicted or had a tenancy agreement terminated by the landlord? ______. If yes, provide:
Name and Address of Landlord:
Reason for Eviction:
Current Employer: Work Phone:
Address: Supervisor's Name:
Gross Monthly Income: ___________ How long with this Employer? ________
May I call for a Reference? _____ Yes ______ No
References: Name: Relationship: Phone Number:
Name: Relationship: Phone Number:
How is Your Credit? _____ Good ______ Fair _____ Ooops
Taking into account your other expenses, can you afford this unit? ______ Yes _______ No
Criminal Record: Has applicant been convicted of a felony in a State or Federal Court? _______ If Yes, provide:
Dates: Nature of Offense:
Court: Penalty Imposed:
Date Civil Rights Restored, if applicable:
Applicants's Personal Property: Do you own pets? _____ Number _____ Kind ______
Do you Own a Vehicle? _____ Year ______ Model _______________________ License No: __________________
Person to Notify in case of emergency: Phone #:
2nd Person to Notify in emergency: Phone #:
Applicant declares the foregoing information is true and complete. Providing false information on the application is grounds for termination. Applicant authorizes Landlord to obtain information regarding credit history, confidential information and criminal background from any source and/or anyone listed on this form.
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________